ooooooo Masthead

Employment Opportunities

Teaching Opportunities:
Violin, Flute, Bass, Clarinet,


Skyline Music is an equal opportunity employer. We offer competitive retail wages based on merit and experience. Employee benefits include paid vacations, merchandise discounts, and a 401K plan with employer contribution.

We are always interested in hearing from qualified individuals who could make a contribution to our team. You must be at least sixteen years of age and available throughout the year to be considered for part time employment. (We do not hire summer or seasonal workers.)

Part time staff positions may be available at any time. Successful candidates are outgoing self-starters with an interest in creatively serving the needs of others. While a musical background helps, it is not a requirement, and in some cases a person with less background can more easily relate to the needs of the many beginners and recreational musicians we also see.

Full time and Management positions, when available, are filled with detail-oriented creative individuals ready to take on the responsibility and challenge of running a "business within a business". We make every effort to promote from within, so existing part time staff with a desire to take on additional responsibility receive the highest consideration.

Resumes should be sent to: 27010 Center Ridge Rd. Westlake, OH 44145.

Contact: Dan Vedda

We currently have a limited amount of studio space available for additional teachers. Potential faculty members should be degreed, or in a degree-seeking music program with one of the above instruments as their primary. Candidates with two or more years prior teaching experience will receive first consideration. There is need for violin candidates qualified and comfortable
teaching children ages 4-8,. Suzuki certification is not required, but welcome,
and a potential teacher for the age bracket should have familiarity with
Suzuki materials and techniques even when not specifically
certified in the Suzuki method.

Skyline Music faculty members operate as private contractors. There is a waiting list of potential students in some cases. Studio time available varies, as may the maximum student load. Depending on the availability of qualified candidates, a schedule may be set up for more than one teacher of a particular instrument.
We will always consider candidates for other instruments than those listed above, but these are the immediate need. Qualified candidates on the listed instruments will receive priority consideration when booking studio time.
There is also a need for teachers prior to 3:00pm on many instruments to serve our growing enrollment of adults, preschoolers, and home schoolers.
Candidates for these times should be prepared to grow a schedule, since there is not already a waiting list for these time slots.

Resumes should be sent to: 27010 Center Ridge Rd. Westlake, OH 44145.

Contact: Dan Vedda, Allie Denham

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