Our main sheet music department holds piano methods, classical piano music, voice methods and literature, Broadway and popular sheets and collections, and simplified popular piano music. Subdepartments throughout the store feature music for wind instruments (methods, popular, and solos); jazz; guitar/TAB, methods, and classical literature; and violin methods and literature.
Our print department carries over 8000 titles at any given time, and we special order and ship for customers every day. (Most special orders take about two weeks.) Realize, though, that a complete representation of even one major publisher's catalog can sometimes contain over 100,000 titles--so think of our stock as a "greatest hits" collection.
Even so, the so-called "80-20" rule applies to printed music: the vast majority of sheet music sales are represented by the top 20% of all the catalogs. That means that it's likely you'll find the most current hits, standard repertoire, all-time favorite standards, and most common teaching methods in stock regularly.
We are in touch with our suppliers in the publishing industry every week, and we're always receiving newly published material from them. If you're looking for something specific, we may be able to find it for you--if it's currently offered in print. (See our Print Search Hints page for help.) You may also find answers faster by checking at the publishers websites. We've provided links on our publisher's page for the major ones.
Our inventory is heavily weighted toward popular music, classical and educational piano, and band and orchestra instrument methods and solos. We also carry vocal selections from over 150 Broadway shows in stock, a large library of jazz transcription and guitar tablature collections, and a growing selection of voice methods, aria collections, and solos.
We do not regularly stock ensemble music, so there are probably better sources for concert band, marching band, jazz ensemble and orchestra arrangements. We don't keep choral works in stock on a regular basis, and chamber ensembles like brass or woodwind quintet, string quartet, or other groups are only lightly represented.
However, if you know the piece you're looking for, we can try to order it for you. (See How To Order, below.)
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How To Order
At this time, we are only able to process orders via phone. Secure online ordering for our featured items is coming!
If you'd like to order, you can call (440-871-4140--see contacts for store hours) Tell us you want to order titles in this month's Web special, and we'll hold your selection for you at the store or ship it to you if you choose. (We accept Visa or Mastercard payments)
Our next Piano Teacher Kaffee Klatsch will be September 30, 2008. Watch for details, or email to receive notification about the event.
The studios are open for informal tryouts and demonstrations, and refreshments are served. Come and meet your colleagues, discuss pedagogy, and see some of the latest titles from Alfred, Kjos, Hal Leonard, FJH, Willis, and more. For those who wish to make a purchase, there will be special pricing in effect that morning. Contact the store by phone or email to RSVP.
What's NEW:
click to find out!
The "What's New" tab on the navigation bar above will take you to some of the newest releases from our publishers. We'll also let you know about other offers and features of the department, so check back every month or so for an update!
We are a Sheet Music Direct Affiliate!
Sheet Music Direct is a downloadable library of songs and five-song "digital folios" from Hal Leonard Publishing.You can see and preview selections before you buy, (you will need to download the Sibelius Scorch music viewer from their site to do so), and even change keys. Their searchable database has over 10,000 titles, with more added every week! We have furnished a variety of links to their site: you can click on the Sheet Music Direct logo wherever you find it, click on a speciific product we show, or type your search criteria into the SMD search box below and get your results. All include a link to their site. Please use one of these links to visit their site--even on return visits. Just bookmark your chosen link on one of our site pages as your launch for SMD.(We offer a plain jump page HERE that loads quickly and contains the SMD link. It doesn't cost you anything to use our link, and we get credit for your visit only if you arrive from our site. It's a no-cost way of supporting a local store rather than some Internet-only funnel site! We thank you for your support!
Hot Print Titles!
Now over 80 volumes! The CDs contain stylistically appropriate jazz performances plus rhythm tracks for play along! $15.95 ea.
Matching piano/vocal folio to the compilation album of #1 hits!