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Ritmo Bongos Mahogany Finish Ritmo Bongos Natural Finish

Sageman handcarved djembes have a high quality sound because they are made from a single piece of hardwood. Goat hide, skin heads are custom fit to each drum with a rope tuning. Handcarving, shell inlays, and a natural finish on the outside of the djembes give each drum its own unique and original appeal.

28" x 13" Deep Carved Djembe 28" x 13" Line Carved Djembe

TOCA Limited Edition Conga Set

Limited Edition 11" Quinto and 12.5" Tumba with a natural gloss finish, 6 lug tuning, 30" tall, brass lacquered hardware, includes tuning wrench. Please call for more information and pricing.

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