JJ. D'Addario & Co.
supports the Acoustic Coffeehouse and its performers
is Sunday, September 25 at 7:00pm
Watch this page and our events listings for more details.
Join us for the first Coffeehouse of 2011! Brian will be playing some of his newest material, and his newly-released CD A Child's Garden will be available!
Come down and play, or just take in the scene--either way, an intimate and relaxing evening of acoustic music, sure to shake off the winter blahs!
HI LOVE--the new album:
now available!
Kev Rowe joined us for the Coffeehouse as he passed through town touring to support "Hi Love", his new album. After the usual open mic portion of the evening, the audience got to hear selections from all his albums in an intimate, relaxed set.
Visit www.kevrowe.com

Brian Henke hosted our first coffeehouse of 2010!
Patrick Woods hosted the Coffeehouse October 18 to rave reviews--if you weren't there, shame on you! Check out the video and see just a part of his performance. Once you've digested THAT, visit his website and buy his new album, Vortex of Discovery...no, buy TWO, because someone will want to borrow it and you won't get it back!
Neil Jacobs returned to host the Acoustic Coffeehouse on April 26. The open mic segment was a mix of "regulars" and new performers, all presenting original acoustic music. Visit our YouTube channel for highlights!
A capacity crowd
filed in as Brian Henke hosted the February 15
Skyline Acoustic Coffeehouse.
For more info on the Skyline Acoustic Coffeehouse, download the FAQ sheet below or call the store.
Check out www.youtube.com/skylinemusicvideo for some video of past Coffeehouse nights.
Patrick Woods
Patrick Woods' reputation has grown exponentially since his First-Runner-Up finish in the Guitar Player Guitar Hero Competition of 2006. His percussive, melodic approach to fingerstyle acoustic guitar places him in the front ranks of the new acoustic soloists.

Brian Henke
It's a little more organized than an open-mike night, but less formal than a recital or concert: interested players can sign up to perform ahead of time, or that night as the doors open. SInce this is a little different than some other venues out there, we've put together an FAQ sheet.
Kev Rowe
You can download it though the link here, and if you're interested in presenting some of your material, mark the date and give us a call!
Skyline Acoustic Coffeehouse FAQ!
Neil Jacobs
Would you like to be on the coffeehouse email list? Click here to sign up! |